With the latest release, we are excited to announce better tools for managing your online scheduling availability. Previously, setting your availability was pretty tricky and took a bit of configuring. With this release, you will see the new availability section directly within your account

From the new availability section, you can easily manage your account wide hours and individual user settings all from one location.
Default Availability
Your default availability acts as the default settings across the entire account. For example, if you set your default availability to be closed on Monday’s, then all users will be unavailable on Monday’s as well.
User Availability
Each user on your account can have their own unique set of available hours. For instance, when you click to edit a user, the slide out will appear to let you set the user default daily hours. After that, you can drill deeper to block specific time. This is ideal for defining your lunch breaks, running errands, or if you just start or end at a different time per day.
New! Block Custom Time Slots
Lastly, for those on a paid plan, we are excited to announce that you can block your time with a variety of options. If you are on the free plan, you can define the time you start working and end working for each day of the week. With paid plans, you can select a day on the calendar or a range of days to block.
In conclusion, we are really excited to get this update in your hands. This is a fundamental update that will help you be more successful when using the Start Booking online scheduling software. Leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts and feedback!